women shaking hands

Post Pandemic Recruitment

Now we don’t want to jinx anything, but can you believe COVID restrictions have finally been lifted and things are set to be going back to ‘normal’ – if we can even remember what that is!
So how will recruitment fare in this new ‘normal’? What changes has the pandemic made that we predict will continue into the future?
Working from home
With no more social distancing required, companies will be going back into the office – but will they be back full time? We predict the answer to be “no”. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that companies can function the same, if not better when doing so remotely. Candidates are seeking roles with flexible working and remote opportunities to help maintain a healthy work/life balance. So, if you ask us, hybrid working is here to stay and is likely to become the norm for a lot of companies.
Video interviews
One thing we never thought we’d get used to was seeing ourselves on our computer screens day in and day out. But video calls are now a widely accepted communication method (whether you’ve brushed your hair or not!) We can’t see the interviewing process being the same, video interviews will become a permanent fixture for initial stages allowing both clients and candidates to better fit the interviews around their day to day lives, jobs and schedules.
New expectations
Following on from hybrid working, companies are going to have to further adapt to the shift in priorities of candidates. The pandemic has proven to people how valuable having a good work/life balance is and candidates are actively seeking this in their job search. It’s no longer about the role and the salary at the fore, but what else are you offering your employees in order to ensure they are happy in their workplace and remain so for the foreseeable future? Could you offer flexitime to allow parents to drop-off and pick up their children from school? Could you offer extra holidays or the week off between Christmas and New Year? Those little extras are really going to add up when recruiting in the future.
So, what do you think are going to be some of the changes that we will see in the new post-pandemic world? What current changes are here to stay?